Chronic fatigue - Hormone Health Institute

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a complex medical condition characterized by extreme and persistent fatigue that is not improved by rest and is not directly caused by other medical conditions. The key aspect of chronic fatigue is that the fatigue lasts for 6 months or longer and often has a profound impact on a person's ability to function and quality of life.

Some key signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue include:

The exact causes of chronic fatigue are unknown but may involve immune dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, mitochondrial disorders, infections, stress, and other triggering factors. There is likely a genetic predisposition as well. At Hormone Health Institute, we specialize in detecting and addressing subtle hormonal imbalances that may contribute to debilitating fatigue. Our comprehensive wellness plans help patients regain healthy energy levels.

Diagnosing chronic fatigue requires ruling out other potential causes through medical history, physical exam, lab tests and sometimes exercise stress tests. As there are no standard diagnostic tests, it remains a diagnosis of exclusion of other fatiguing conditions.

Treatment focuses on symptom relief and typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, stress reduction, gentle exercise, nutritious anti-inflammatory diets and medications or supplements to improve sleep, reduce pain, etc.

While quite debilitating, many patients do see significant improvements from lifestyle adjustments and paying attention to factors that exacerbate symptoms. Pacing activities to avoid post-exertional crashes is key. Our clinicians can help detect and correct hormonal, immunologic and metabolic imbalances that may be aggravating fatigue.

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