Disease resistance

What is disease resistance?

Disease resistance refers to the ability of a plant or animal to limit the negative impacts of a pathogen or infection. Individuals and species can have genetic, biological, or structural traits that help them avoid getting sick or reduce the harm caused by illness.

In plants, disease resistance helps limit crop losses and maintains plant health. Some tactics plants use include:

Animals also have complex immune systems with layered defenses. Physical barriers like skin and mucous membranes prevent initial infection. If pathogens get through, the innate immune system releases inflammation, phagocytes, and natural killer cells to destroy the invaders. The adaptive immune system produces custom antibodies to mark intruders for elimination. Animals can also develop long-lasting immunity to diseases they have recovered from.

Of course, no individual is 100% resistant to every illness. But disease resistance allows organisms to cope with infections and maintain fitness levels. Scientists study these mechanisms to breed stronger plant varieties and develop new vaccines and medicines.

At Hormone Health Institute, we help patients struggling with chronic inflammation and infections linked to hormonal imbalances. Our naturopathic doctors create customized wellness plans that harmonize your hormones naturally. This reduces systemic inflammation and bolsters immune function for better disease resistance. Ask us how balanced hormones can improve your health today!

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