Hormone deficiency - Hormone Health Institute

What is hormone deficiency?

A hormone deficiency occurs when your body does not produce enough of a certain hormone. Hormones are chemical messengers that control many functions in your body. When you don't have enough of a hormone, many aspects of your health can suffer.

Some common hormone deficiencies include:

What causes hormone deficiencies?

Hormone deficiencies can stem from different issues such as:

Some people are simply more prone to hormone issues, especially as they age. Deficiencies become more common in older adults.

How are hormone deficiencies diagnosed?

If you suspect a hormone deficiency based on symptoms, see your doctor. They can check levels of hormones like thyroid, testosterone, estrogens, and more using simple blood tests.

This will confirm if hormone levels are lower than normal. Your doctor may also examine you for signs of hormonal issues and ask about family history. Further testing like imaging scans might be needed depending on the situation.

Getting diagnosed properly is key, so you know which hormone replacement route will help! The experts at Hormone Health Institute use cutting-edge testing and precision treatments to diagnose and address hormone deficiencies.

How are hormone deficiencies treated?

Hormone replacement therapy can often help resolve deficiencies. Treatment options include medications, supplements, gels/patches that provide missing hormones externally.

For example, levothyroxine for low thyroid, testosterone supplements for testosterone deficiency, estrogen pills for menopausal women, and more. The goal is restoring hormones to adequate levels so body functions improve.

Hormone Health Institute offers complete management for any hormone deficiency with customized treatment programs based on your specific imbalances and health status. Their holistic protocols combine bioidentical hormones, nutrition plans, fitness, supplements and more for full restoration of health, wellness and vitality!

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