Mood swings - Hormone Health Institute

What are mood swings?

Mood swings refer to sudden, unexpected shifts in our emotional state that can go from feeling positve and upbeat one moment to feeling irritated, sad, or anxious the next. They involve rapid changes in our mood and energy level that are often perceived as being out of proportion with the events and stressors in our life.

While occasional mood swings are normal, frequent and intense mood swings can interfere with work, relationships, and overall well-being. Some common causes include:

Managing mood swings involves getting to the root cause with thorough medical evaluation and testing. Lifestyle changes like getting enough sleep, reducing stress through self-care and relaxation practices, avoiding triggers, and maintaining a mood journal can help smooth out emotional highs and lows. Support groups, counseling, or prescription medications may be warranted in some cases if mood instability severely impacts relationships or work.

In summary, mood swings involve shifts in emotional states that can negatively impact well-being. With proper medical care like that offered by Hormone Health Institute, testing to identify underlying causes of the mood instability, and proactive lifestyle changes, most individuals can better regulate their moods. Reach out today if you're struggling with disruptive mood swings to explore personalized solutions.

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