Terms of Service

We value our users' privacy and have implemented measures to collect only the minimum data required to provide and improve our service. This Terms of Service describes what information we gather, how it is used, with whom it is shared, and user rights related to data we collect.

Information We Collect

When users visit our website or utilize our services, we gather two types of information: technical information and contact information.

Technical Information

We automatically receive certain types of information when users interact with our services. This technical information helps us understand how users find, access, and utilize our website and services.

The technical information we collect includes:

Contact Information

In order to utilize certain features or services offered on our website, users may voluntarily provide us with contact information. This contact information is retained and used only for the purpose for which it was provided.

The contact information we collect when voluntarily offered may include:

We do not collect any health information or other sensitive user data. The only personal information gathered is what userschoose to voluntarily provide to utilize website services (name, email, phone number).

How We Use Information

The information gathered allows us to understand user behavior, personalize and improve users' experience with our website and services, and communicate with users.

Technical Information

Technical information helps us recognize users across multiple sessions and devices, allowing for seamless continuity of services. It also provides vital statistics to guide business decisions regarding website functionality and service offerings.

Contact Information

Contact information may be used to provide customized content and updates to users, address inquiries, or offer other services. For example, users may receive emails regarding new features or feedback requests.

Phone numbers may be used by our customer service team to address questions or issues related to user accounts or service usage.

Contact information is only used for the purpose stated at the time of collection and is not shared externally without user permission.

Take control of your privacy. Act now!

Information Sharing

We do not share or sell any private user information with outside parties except as stated below:

User Rights

We aim to be transparent about data collection and allow users control over their information. Users may take any of the following actions regarding data collected by us:


We may occasionally update these terms as our data practices evolve over time. We will notify users of material changes by posting notice on our website. Updated terms will only apply moving forward from date of posting.

Bolded terms throughout refer to key definitions in our data collection and use practices. Please review periodically as use of our website and services implies agreement to the posted terms.

Protect your privacy, read our Terms of Service.

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